Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Love's A Nanny Fine Day

   I think everyone can relate their love life, or lack-there-of, to a person on television or in the movies, but I'm sure there aren't many who can do so to a show about a nanny in Manhattan who's in love with her boss. I know I never thought I would, but here I sit being able to relate to this situation...well, sort of.
   I remember being little and watching The Nanny and laughing. It was a cute show that I really didn't understand because of my age, but I loved listening to Fran talk. Now, thanks to Nick at Night, I get to watch the show again and I can finally get what's really going on, and I've come to realize that I share the same relationship problem with Fran Fine: I'm in love with my closest friend (not boss), he likes me back but is too afraid to admit it to himself and me, and he won't take the next step. It's weird how that happened. When I started re-watching the show on Nick at Night I wondered why I felt so bad for her character until I realized that I, too, share her struggle for the man she loves.  
   Yes, this all sounds really stupid, but I just wanted to share my story of which fictional character shares my love life. Television has to make all kinds of characters to relate to their audience or no one would watch the show. I'm also curious to know which characters other people can relate to.

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