Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'd Much Rather be Forever in Blue Jeans


   I'm sick of having no clothes! I rarely ever go shopping for clothes (especially jeans) and when I finally get the money and time to do so, I can't find anything that fits properly. It drives me crazy! I refuse to buy over-priced jeans because they'll fall apart in a year anyways, so why waste the money? Is it really too much to ask to buy a pair of jeans that gives me no short of shape at all and makes me look like I have a penis? Ugh! I'm so sick of clothing stores. Nothing is made for normal sized woman, it's all made for zero's and two's! When are they going to realize that most woman are NOT those sizes? I'm just sick and tired of it! I'm just going to create my own clothing line. Then maybe people can buy clothes that fit them and that won't put them out of house and home. I know I might be going a bit crazy, but am I really the only one who feels this way?

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