Sunday, October 4, 2009


   Yes, Glee is my new favorite show of this year. I remember watching the pilot in, I think it was May, ans couldn't wait until the fall to see more. Being someone who loves music and theatre, Glee gives me something to smile about. I like this show because it has something for everyone. They use all different kinds of music, every genre and decade. There are also so many different types of characters that everyone has someone they can relate to, teens and adults alike. Glee is a nice gust of fresh air to television. It's a show that gives us a break from all those super serious shows filled with drama and complicated story lines that make us want to rip our hair out sometimes; plus, how can you not love the "doos" in every episode?
   Moving on to a returning favorite of mine, Grey's Anatomy. I've been so excited for the beginning of this season after the finale in the summer and frankly, I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this show, but the season opener had no real hook. There was nothing that was really suspenseful in the whole episode (unless you count the whole 30 seconds George wasn't dead). The entire two hours was basically everyone moping around, it was a little annoying. The only part I really liked was when they were all at the cemetery and started laughing. I thank the writers for making this weeks episode more interesting. I'm actually really excited to see what the rest of the season has in store.
   Another returning favorite is The Office. My feelings of this season is the opposite of Grey's. The season's opener was great. I thought it was hilarious! Andy was so funny. The two episodes that followed, however, were not so funny. I'm used to nonstop laughing when I watch The Office, but I haven't seen an episode that has done that for me (mind you there have only been three). I'm really hoping The Office get's better soon. I'll be really bummed if it doesn't.
   The final show that's returned this year that I love is How I Met Your Mother. I'm getting a little confused because I'm trying to catch up on the fourth season episodes I didn't see on Lifetime, but the new episodes aren't all making sense because I haven't seen things in the season before that are important. It's okay, though, the show is still really funny. 
   Off the topic of new shows I've been watching, I'm getting ready to say goodbye to those shows I've been watching during the summer: Drop Dead Diva, Army Wives, and Hell's Kitchen. I've just realized I watch too much television.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh Adam, What Have You Done?

   About a week ago I went online to see something on Myspace that said "Pay Tribute to DJ AM". Now I was a little confused because I hadn't heard anything about him dying. I went on Yahoo and searched his name to find out he was found dead in his apartment. I read the article about his death and by the way it sounds he over-dosed. They said a crack pipe was found in his apartment and that he had a pill of OxiContin in his throat. He supposedly had drug problems in his past, but he had been clean for a really long time. The autopsy hasn't some back so I can only assume that he over-dosed. It also made me kind of mad to think that he could be the one to kill himself because a year ago he survived a plane crashed that killed four other people. He was given a second chance to live and almost a year after his miracle, he dies (perhaps by his own hand). It's just kind of selfish to me. He should have continued to live for the people who died in that plane crash. Don't think I'm not sad he's dead, I'm very sad. He was so young and and it's sad to see someone else go. There have been so many celebrity deaths of late. It's getting rather depressing. This is all just my opinion. I'm sure other people think other things.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Better if We're Not Friends, Kristen. Trust Me.

   This picture may be the most acting I've ever seen Kristen Stewart do. Her face certainly never changes when she's acting. The reason this is coming up at such a random time because my uncle and I got into this discussion this morning over breakfast. I don't remember how it started, it just did. He believes she is the most AMAZING actress to ever exist and I told him he was crazy. We got into an argument about this and he couldn't see my side of it. He said she's the only reason that Twilight was a good movie and that she's the only good actor in it. I told him she was the same in the WHOLE movie. She had no change of tone or facial expression. Her sad was the same as her mad which was the same as her happy. She expressed no sense of love toward her co-star who her character is suppose to be madly in love with. Does anyone take my side on this?

I'd Much Rather be Forever in Blue Jeans


   I'm sick of having no clothes! I rarely ever go shopping for clothes (especially jeans) and when I finally get the money and time to do so, I can't find anything that fits properly. It drives me crazy! I refuse to buy over-priced jeans because they'll fall apart in a year anyways, so why waste the money? Is it really too much to ask to buy a pair of jeans that gives me no short of shape at all and makes me look like I have a penis? Ugh! I'm so sick of clothing stores. Nothing is made for normal sized woman, it's all made for zero's and two's! When are they going to realize that most woman are NOT those sizes? I'm just sick and tired of it! I'm just going to create my own clothing line. Then maybe people can buy clothes that fit them and that won't put them out of house and home. I know I might be going a bit crazy, but am I really the only one who feels this way?

Love's A Nanny Fine Day

   I think everyone can relate their love life, or lack-there-of, to a person on television or in the movies, but I'm sure there aren't many who can do so to a show about a nanny in Manhattan who's in love with her boss. I know I never thought I would, but here I sit being able to relate to this situation...well, sort of.
   I remember being little and watching The Nanny and laughing. It was a cute show that I really didn't understand because of my age, but I loved listening to Fran talk. Now, thanks to Nick at Night, I get to watch the show again and I can finally get what's really going on, and I've come to realize that I share the same relationship problem with Fran Fine: I'm in love with my closest friend (not boss), he likes me back but is too afraid to admit it to himself and me, and he won't take the next step. It's weird how that happened. When I started re-watching the show on Nick at Night I wondered why I felt so bad for her character until I realized that I, too, share her struggle for the man she loves.  
   Yes, this all sounds really stupid, but I just wanted to share my story of which fictional character shares my love life. Television has to make all kinds of characters to relate to their audience or no one would watch the show. I'm also curious to know which characters other people can relate to.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A Fun Trip to Hell

      FOX can put out some pretty dreadful shows, but Hell's Kitchen, in my opinion, their best show. I had heard of the show when it first came out six seasons ago, but never gave it the time of day. A few weeks ago, however, I was flipping through the channels on a Tuesday night when I came across this familiar man in a chef's coat yelling. I quickly recognized the show and decided to watch it. In true Mamacita fashion, however, once a commercial came on, I switched the channel and never went back. The next day, when I was watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Hulu, I found that they had Hell's Kitchen episodes up and I decided to watch the full version of the episode I cut short. I was quickly hooked! Gordon Ramsay is such an ass, but you can't help but love him. It's funny to watch him yell at these people and see them just have to put their tales between their legs and go back to working. A fun drinking game could be made out of this show: Every time Chef Ramsay calls someone a "fat cow" you can take a drink (you'll be tipsy in the first minute of service). And the punishments they put these people through are just so horrible, you can't help but laugh a little.
      I quickly came to like a male competitor named Dave. He's nice, funny, and a great chef. He was injured during a punishment and now cooks with only one hand because the other is in a cast and he's unable to use his thumb on that hand. I also quickly came to hate a couple competitors, as well. The first would be Louie, but it was good because he went home before the first service was even over, and Tennille, who is still there, but I'm sure she'll be gone soon (or at least I'm hoping).
      I've always enjoyed watching cooking shows, but I never thought that one could be as interesting as Hell's Kitchen. I never believed that there could be so much excitement and drama in a show that involves cooking, but I was completely wrong. Hell's Kitchen may be one of the most exciting shows I've ever watched. Anyone who is looking for a great show should watch Hell's Kitchen. You'll be happy and a bit frightened of Chef Ramsay at the same time.